Your home in Florence, Beit Al Watan, Fifth Settlement
In Florence, Beit Al Watan, Fifth Settlement, you live with a wonderful view of the Garden View, minutes away from the most important vital roads and main axes, Suez Road, North Ninety, and Clubs Street, and minutes away from the main North Ninety Street.
In short, you have everything you need close to home in Beit Al Watan. And if you want more, you’re close to the Administrative Capital. The main roads and highways make it easy and quick to get anywhere.
Armored doors offer enhanced security and durability, ensuring your home is protected from unauthorized entry. Made of high-quality materials, they resist intrusion attempts and harsh weather conditions
Amenities and services
European elevators
Modern and reliable elevators have been installed to provide easy and efficient transportation within the building. They ensure quick and convenient access to all floors, catering to the needs of all residents
Amenities and services
Electronic portals
Electronic gates provide advanced security and easy access. Equipped with the latest technology, they ensure that only authorized individuals can enter the building, providing peace of mind for residents
Amenities and services
Central air conditioning
Our central air conditioning system ensures a comfortable and constant indoor climate throughout the building. It provides effective cooling during hot weather and maintains a comfortable living environment for all residents
Amenities and services
Centralized Satellite Dish
A centralized satellite dish system is available, providing residents with a wide range of TV channels and high-quality signal reception. Enjoy watching your favorite shows and channels with ease
Amenities and services
Surveillance cameras
Sophisticated surveillance cameras have been installed throughout the property to enhance security. They monitor common areas and entry points, ensuring the safety and security of all residents around the clock
Amenities and services
Garages and warehouses
Convenient storage rooms and spacious garages are available to meet all your storage needs. Whether you need a place to park your car or store your belongings, these facilities offer secure and easy-to-reach options
المساحات الخضراء والحدائق
تتميز منطقة التجمع الخامس بالعديد من المرافق الترفيهية، مما يجعلها وجهة مفضلة للعائلات والشباب. تضم المنطقة العديد من الأندية الرياضية مثل نادي وادي دجلة ونادي بلاتينيوم، مما يوفر بيئة مناسبة لممارسة الأنشطة الرياضية. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تحتوي المنطقة على مراكز تسوق فاخرة مثل كايرو فيستيفال سيتي مول، الذي يقدم تجربة تسوق استثنائية مع مجموعة واسعة من المتاجر العالمية، والمطاعم الراقية، وسينما حديثة. كما تشتهر منطقة التجمع الخامس بمساحاتها الخضراء الوفيرة والحدائق الواسعة التي تعزز جودة الحياة، وتوفر بيئة هادئة ومريحة للأنشطة الخارجية والاسترخاء. مع هذه المرافق المتنوعة، يظل التجمع الخامس خيارًا مثاليًا للسكن والترفيه.
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